Friday, April 20, 2007

unintended consequences of biblical proportions

That's an actual quote from a member of the New Hampshire state legislature describing what will happen if NH passes a law legalizing civil unions for same-sex couples.

What exactly constitutes "biblical proportions?" Will the Atlantic part? Or maybe the state flower, the purple lilac, will spontaneously burn while the voice of an angel booms from above? Locusts, that must be it.

I seriously thought NH was free of religious zealots. I really believed that in New Hampshire, Jesus wasn't a charter member of the Republican party. Strange how things can change in only a matter of years.

Still, read the rest of the article (linked above) to learn all the evils that can come from legalized civil unions for same-sex couples.

Karen Testerman, executive director of Cornerstone Policy Research, a conservative group, citing AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, predicted that the law “could promote the acceptance of a behavior that is jeopardizing the health of our children.”

“Multiple partners when you’re doing something unnatural — it’s just not good,” Ms. Testerman said.

It is all about homosexuals. Promiscuity just doesn't occur in the heterosexual population, especially among high school students. That would be why we've never seen outbreaks of STIs among that group. RI-IGHT. And exactly how civil unions cause promiscuous behavior and the acceptance of multiple sex partners, baffles me. The whole concept of the civil union is to allow two people in a relationship to make a formal commitment to one another and to the relationship. That's generally the end of multiple partners, unless you're into threesomes or something, but let's not go there.

The law is expected to pass and the governor has agreed to sign it. I hope these people are embarrassed by their remarks or at least the ignorance they display.

Come on guys, if God was really serious about this mankind not lying with mankind as he does with womankind, wouldn't it have made it into the Commandments, say #11?

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