Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hold the drama

So I'm sure you were all thinking that I couldn't pull off the Friends With Benefits thing, right?

Yeah, I was pretty sure I couldn't either.

But, you know what?

It actually works.

It's nearly the perfect relationship.

There's no BullShit.


None of this ~ does he like me as much as I like him? when is he going to call? should I be calling him? why hasn't he called? did I do/say/communicate-with-Morse-code-using-my-eyelids/signal something wrong?

There's no drama!! It's worry free, guilt free, stress free! It's one thing in my life that I can't, make that, won't obsess over.

And I don't have to worry about getting emotionally involved either. Why? Because the more time I spend with him, the more I realize that I really don't like him all that much. I'm not repulsed by him, but I think if we ever actually dated, I might have to kill him or something.

Seriously, it's the perfect relationship!!

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