Now I consider myself to be a fairly well informed person. I read a good part of the New York Times everyday, I completely avoid morning TV, I watch the Daily Show, I frequently read Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, Vanity Fair (and not just the Hollywood issue, thank you very much), Harper's, I watch CNN, I listen to NPR, and I've even been known to watch the BBC news (talk about a different perspective!)
BUT, when I happened to look at the front page of the New York Times today at Starbucks and saw the group shot from the Republican Presidential debate at the Reagan library and couldn't help but wonder, after identifying Giuliani, McCain and Romney...
Who are these Yahoos?
Now I know Huckabee is running, but am I actually supposed to be able to identify the Governor of Arkansas in a line up? Seriously?
And James Gilmore, I actually lived in Virginia while he was governor, worked for the state in fact. He held a conference on Right Choices For Youth (about violence, tobacco, drugs, alcohol and sex ~ and if you're unsure of the right choice, it's NO). We called it Right Wing Choices for Youth. I actually had to present tobacco as only being a bad choice because it was illegal for minors, no mention of bad health effects. The conference was truly memorable, what with Gangstas for Jesus and all that abstinence in one room. I nearly signed an abstinence pledge before realizing I wasn't. I stopped counting all the Reverends that gave blessings in the opening remarks.... As for Gilmore ~ I don't know the man from Adam.
Tommy Thompson is obviously unrecognizable because of traumatic mental block. I'm still traumatized by his appointment to HHS Secretary... I mean seriously, what business does Tommy Thompson have being in charge of HEALTH and Human Services??? And please, we cannot elect a grown man who calls himself "Tommy" to the presidency... 'nough said.
As far as the rest of them, will they even make it past Iowa and New Hampshire? Questionable at best. They have little time for yahoos in NH...
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