Saturday, May 12, 2007

Friends with Benefits

Back in September of 1999, there was an epidsode of Sex and the City titled "The F*ck Buddy." It was a storyline that kind of stuck with you because it was mainly about how normal it was to have some guy who you just had sex with when you weren't dating anyone else. Even prudish (by comparison) Charlotte, had a guy who fit this bill. It more or less normalized the idea for the urban, single, happening woman in her thirties. There was, of course, a moral to the story ~ you can't date your f*ck buddy. Carrie tried. She found out they had absolutely nothing in common. Then there was no more f*ck buddy. Whoops.

In the 8 years since that episode aired, "f*ck buddy" has been replaced by a more palatable term, "friends with benefits", which have infiltrated not only college campuses, but high schools and junior highs. Apparently, the outdated (outmoded, outlived its usefulness) abstinence education programs we cling to are ill suited to deal with the "new" technology of cell phones and the internet. Dating is a thing that generation X did. Those who followed can't be bothered with all that emotional baggage and committment.

But still, getting back to the real world. That is, my world.

Can a woman from Generation X ~ one who couldn't walk in Manolo's even if she could afford them ~ could that woman handle a friends with benefits arrangement?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

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